Announcing Peepr

Announcing Peepr

Aug 02, 2014

In under 48 hours at ENVOY’s Summer Hack 2014, my team (The Envoyeurs1) sprinted and hacked together an addictive game for social voyeurs. We call it peepr2, it’s a game for those who like to watch, a.k.a. the social peepr’s. Built on the web, peepr challenges it’s players to see...

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Joining Envoy

Joining Envoy

Apr 29, 2014

I am humbled, and very excited to announce that I’ll be joining the extremely talented team at Envoy, on May 12th as a Designer. I’m so stoked to work alongside this group of talented folks. I’ll be departing Biola University’s Design Studio, after an invaluable 3 year run. It’s the...

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SF Trip

SF Trip

Apr 21, 2014

My wife and I, on a whim, decided to celebrate our 2nd year of marriage in San Francisco, CA. Our plan was to fly in, walk the city, eat some food, see some sights, and drink a lot of delicious coffee (the coffee part was my personal plan). So I...

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Object Matter

Object Matter

Jan 23, 2014

Let’s take time to make some introductions. Starting with this year, I’m working under a new moniker, Object & Subject, for my personal workspace. It’s a home for my portfolio, a few little side projects, collaborations, and a bit of bad writing. For about 3 years now I’ve managed a...

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A Design workspace
by/for John Choura Jr.